How to Best Incorporate QR Codes into Your OOH Marketing Plan

Many companies struggle with how to measure billboard advertising effectiveness. With QR codes, you have a new, easy way to gather data on the effectiveness of the billboard and your CTA.

Why QR Codes Improve OOH Campaigns

When you start a billboard campaign, people will start reaching out. But how do you know where each potential customer came from? 

If you’re a small business, you might be able to get away with asking each of your customers where they heard about your business. A dentist getting new clients, for instance, might ask each new client how they heard about their practice.

But this quickly becomes difficult, especially if you’re trying to measure web visits. How do you know if a person went to your website because they saw your billboard.

This is where QR codes come in. You create a unique way to track how many people viewed your website or landing page. The only way to get to these pages online is by scanning the QR code, so this visit is a guaranteed impression.

QR codes help with marketing attribution and can give you more accurate data about the efficacy of your billboard campaign. With access to better data, you can make better decisions during your next campaign to ensure you’ll get the traffic you want.

Tips for QR Code Use in Billboards

Supersize It

QR codes on billboards are just like the billboards themselves—the bigger, the better. When QR codes are viewed from a distance, their size might prevent them from being scanned easily. Make sure they’re between 1 and 1.5 feet wide.

Make it Fun

You want to make sure people are happy they scanned your code. Make the website or landing page they go to interactive, engaging. Make it a great experience. Add images, audio, video, or anything that sets it apart from a piece of paper. 

Use QR Codes with Purpose

In other words, don’t use a QR code if you don’t know why you’re using it. People don’t want to scan something and not get anything interesting. Scanning a QR code and getting a long-winded piece of text isn’t as exciting as seeing the new fashion line of your favorite brand, along with a discount code you can use on your phone to make a purchase.

Use the code to get to the next part of the customer funnel. Give your audience the content that will further lead them on their journey toward being an evangelist.

Include a Call to Action on your QR Code 

QR codes can be mysterious. They’re glitched squares, and we never know what’s on the other side. That’s why CTAs can help guide the viewer. 

Tell people what to do with the QR code, and what they’ll get if they scan. When people know what they’re getting, they’re much more likely to scan. When their expectation is met, they feel more satisfied.

For example, you can put a call-to-action that says “Scan Me” or “Scan to watch a video!”

Place your QR Code Strategically

The recommendation for any CTA, whether online or on paper, is to make it clear to a viewer what you’d like them to do. Because you want people to scan your QR code, you’ll want to make sure it’s immediately clear that the QR code is what takes them on the next step of their journey with your brand.

This doesn’t mean just making your QR code large. You’ll also have to give it its own space so it stands out among the rest of the billboard. In some cases, brands have used arrows to direct a viewer’s eye directly to the QR code. 

Remember, your viewers are on the go, walking or driving, and you want to ensure they see your message within a few seconds. 

Use a Dynamic QR Code

Static QR codes can only point to one place. Dynamic QR codes can point to one place, and then another if you change your mind or decide on a new strategy for your billboard. 

You’ll usually want to keep the same link active for a campaign to test it’s efficacy, but a dynamic QR code just gives you the flexibility in case there’s any last minute changes.

Add Alternative CTAs

Not everyone has a smartphone, or a working camera, and not everyone likes to scan QR codes. If you also provide a short URL, you’ll give people the chance to look you up using a different method or later at home once they have more time. 

The Border is Everything

QR codes have a specific structure that is recognized by smartphone cameras and apps. By giving the QR code a clear border (preferably white), you’ll make it easier for your viewers’ phones to scan the QR code quickly and get the information and content they want. 

Paypal Case Study

At View Chicago, we’ve used QR codes for many campaigns. One of our favorite QR code campaigns was Paypal’s Wild Postings. The bold colors and clear placement of the QR code made this an easy scan.

Read more about our PayPal case study here.