The COVID Blueprint Vol. 3: Plan for the Post-COVID Future

This too shall pass. And when it does, good marketers will have used this time to create strategies and messaging that connect with their audience more than ever before. Put the time now to analyze your marketing strategy and emerge on the other side of this crisis with increased brand awareness and positive impressions.

The near future of activity in Chicago is uncertain, but we know that this crisis will be over eventually. When it ends, where do you see your company’s marketing efforts?

Act Now

Part of preparing for the post-COVID future is having the right marketing strategy now. Your messaging should be done with empathy and compassion, and you should make sure to acknowledge the hardships people are going through by offering some assistance like price relief or payment extensions. 

Remember: this is not the time to stop marketing. We don’t know how long social distancing will last, but assuming it lasts 3 months—this is a long time, and you can’t risk losing connections with your customers or having your competition gain the advantage during this time. People will remember which companies made an impression on them during the coronavirus crisis, so marketing is actually essential for your post-COVID performance. Marketing during this time doesn’t have to be over-the-top, but maintaining your brand visible is crucial. 

Free Marketing Guide

Marketing during COVID-19 can feel like uncharted territory. We did the research and created a simple guide for you to develop messaging and think long-term. Download our guide for guidelines and resources to keep your marketing strategy active.

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Strategize for the Future

Now that you have put some thought into your current marketing strategy, it is time to spend time planning your post-COVID strategy. The more time you can strategize right now in OOH, the more you’ll be ready to come back strong with smart creative. Every company can use this time to design a new, fresh marketing strategy. 

We know how time flies by, and ad campaigns take time to develop, especially when you want them to be effective. Well, now is the time to analyze your marketing strategy and ask yourself some questions about its efficacy:

  • What is the purpose of your marketing strategy?

  • What elements of your strategy have been successful?

  • Which ones have not been as effective?

  • What are some areas you can look into in order to develop a more cohesive advertising structure? 

By spending time analyzing your past advertising campaigns, you will be much more equipped to make long-term decisions that improve your brand visibility and positive impressions. Or if your business has permanently changed due to COVID, you can make a splash with your innovation. 

There is no single right answer, but there is one key aspect: timing. The companies that make the first big post-COVID push will gain a tremendous advantage. Don’t fall behind; plan ahead.

As a company born and raised in Chicago, we believe in the City of Big Shoulders. We know that Chicagoans will emerge from these times stronger than before. We hope to help get us all there together.

Plan Your Post-COVID Messaging

Part of planning for the future is predicting the messaging when we return to normal. If you can succeed in this endeavor, you’ll be ahead of the curve. 

Remember, people have been sitting in their homes for weeks. They will appreciate businesses who understand what they just went through. Restaurants, for example, could build a campaign around the text: We’ve Missed You Too… This could be paired with a deal on eating in, something that people have no doubt been craving this entire time. After the coronavirus dies down, people will start going back out, so it would be wise to invest in OOH now that it’s more affordable rather than later when everyone is trying to get in on the action.

Consider This: local traffic has increased during COVID. Invest in neighborhood-based advertising to take advantage of this surge in impressions

Free Consultation

Are you unsure about how to shift your marketing campaign for the current moment or how to plan for the future? We are here to help. We have set up free consultations to help businesses create emphatic messaging for the duration of COVID-19, along with strategic advice to help plan for the bounceback.


Digital Strategies

While planning for the future, make sure your online presence is set up for today and the current climate. Our digital marketing experts at our sister company, View Connect, are available to consult with businesses looking for more in-depth advice and guidance on digital strategies. If your company starts thinking about the bounceback now, you will inevitably be more equipped and prepared to reap the benefits of the open economy. The possibilities are endless. It just takes a little creativity. 

Here are some questions to keep in mind when analyzing your digital strategies:

  1. Have you done a full evaluation of your digital channels to make sure that they are up-to-date? 

  2. How has your business changed? 

  3. Do your social channels make it clear how your business is different or taking safety precautions? 

  4. Are you contacting your customers via email? 

  5. Is there a COVID message on your homepage? 

  6. What content do you need to address common questions for your customers? 

The answers to these questions will give you a complete picture of your online impact, during and post-COVID. Use them to create a bulletproof digital strategy that will last you for the months to come.

Some things should change during COVID-19, but your marketing strategy is not one of them. Use this time to provide your customers with useful information or price assistance through your advertising, and plan ahead for the post-COVID-19 future when your ad spending begins to pay you back. 

If you’d like more information on how to advertise during and after COVID-19, download our guide which contains resources and statistics to help you make the right marketing choice. While you’re at it, sign up for a free consultation with our account executives.