Top COVID Messaging Tips for Higher Education

Higher Education institutions are bastions of communal life and growth. At times like these, it’s important to send a strong message both to your students and the community that you are aware and prepared for the changes that may arise from the pandemic. Here are our top messaging tips for higher education during COVID-19.

Speak to the future

Ensure parents and students of the actions you plan to take in the fall, as it relates to classroom size and sanitation measures. This can help relieve any fears they might have in addition to letting them know you’ll be open for business.

Virtual opportunities

Highlight any virtual open house programs you are offering, so students know they can still participate in these important events while we remain sheltered in place.

Promote Online

Promote your school's online classes and overall technology capabilities to ensure that even if this lasts longer than anticipated, classwork and learning will be manageable in the new school year. 


You can tie your message around offering price relief. Give customers an extension on payments or reduce your price to honor the difficulties some are going through in this moment.


Another type of messaging you can provide is informational. As a school or university attaching yourself to informational CDC messaging is great to help join the national effort of education while promoting your own brand.


Let our advertising experts help you design perfect messaging in during this time.