wallscape advertising

Wild Postings, Hotspots, Wallscapes—Which Format is Right for You? Chicago Billboard Advertising Options

Wild Postings, Hotspots, Wallscapes—Which Format is Right for You? Chicago Billboard Advertising Options

Using specific data along with an understanding of your brand, message, and buyer’s journey, a wise advertiser can see a perfect opportunity for an “in-real-life” exposure. And further, with this data, we can determine what format of advertisement will be best. Explore a breakdown of the difference between Wild Postings, HotSpots, and Wallscapes.

Why Big Brands Use Wallscapes: Make an Impact with Chicago Billboards

Why Big Brands Use Wallscapes: Make an Impact with Chicago Billboards

If you’re interested in making a big and memorable statement like big national brands do, Wallscapes are a great option. Learn more about this unique Chicago billboard format, from benefits to cost.