Video - My Favorite Part About Outdoor Advertising

Transcript of Jamila Huq, National Account Executive

I would say the most exciting part about outdoor advertising is that it’s the only type of advertising that can never be turned off. No matter what, a billboard’s always going to be there, you always have to see it. It’s not like online advertising where you can exit out of a window—if you’re on a commercial, you can just switch the channel.

No matter what, a billboard’s always going to be there.
— Jamila Huq, National Account Executive

A billboard is always going to be there, and it’s something that no matter what, you’re always going to see. That’s, by far, my favorite part about outdoor advertising. 

It’s the only type of advertising that cannot be turned off.
— Jamila Huq, National Account Executive
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Interested in learning more about how outdoor advertising can improve your marketing strategy?

Watch another video on how outdoor advertising complements other marketing efforts:


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