Video - OOH & Chicago Hospitals

Transcript of Charlie Megan, Co-Founder of View Chicago

We have a hospital in Douglas Park, and if you draw a radius around that hospital, we probably have ten good signs for them in that area.

If you’re a community hospital, it’s imperative that you reach your community, and that, compared to the other community hospital, that you have a louder a voice than they do, or more compelling message, or better ways to reach your audience because that’s the audience you’re really fighting for.

If you know that you need to reach people in the community, that’s generally where we’re the best fit. 
— Charlie Megan, Co-founder

No one is flying in to go to one of these community hospitals or even traveling from the Northside to the Southside or vice versa. They’re generally servicing and catering to people in the community and the more hyperlocal your business model is—if you know that you need to reach people in the community, that’s generally where we’re the best fit. 

A neighborhood hospital is really looking for brand awareness. You may not need healthcare today, but when you’re looking into pre-natal services, or where to have your baby, that name comes to mind as your neighborhood hospital.
— Gray Megan, Co-founder

You can be locally famous for not a lot of money. It doesn’t do you any good to be famous across the whole city or the whole country if none of those people are going to become your customers anyway. So, community hospitals have been one of our strongest verticals for that reason.

When you know your business, you know where your customers come from.
— Blaire Gunderson, Senior Account Executive

Interested in learning more about what we can do for your hospital?

Watch Another Video on our Approach with Hospitals and the Importance of Neighborhood Advertising